#natyamnaatak – “You Need Some Child Supervision…”
There is no doubt that adults get a lot of things wrong. We’d like to think that we know more than kids, but they remind us daily that is a fallacy.
My students have been an integral part of my book writing and publishing process. They have given GREAT inputs, and are so invested in it. But, they seem to have some trust issues. Aside from requiring weekly updates, there was this exchange not too long ago:
Student 1 – “Suchi akka, are you done with the book yet?”
Teacher – “Well, it’s all written and edited, the illustrations are done, and now it’s just being prepared for printing.”
Student 2 – “Did you write your author bio yet?”
Teacher – “I did, it’s…”
Student 1 – “Wait, it’s already done? How come we haven’t seen it?”
Student 3 – “Yeah, you haven’t read it to us yet.”
Teacher – “I didn’t know you wanted me to read it to you – you don’t want to be surprised?”
Student 4 – “No, we want to know everything that is going to go into the book.”
Student 5 – “We have to make sure you are doing a good job.”
Student 2 – “Yeah, you need some child supervision.”
Teacher – #mindvoice “Yeah, I probably do…”
P.S. They approved of my author bio. 😅 😂