Think You Are a Guru? I Encourage You to Think Again.

By Suchitra Sairam

We’ve collectively ruined the word “guru”.

This heady, heavy, meaningful word in Sanskrit defines a person who

👌🏽 Instills positive values

🧠 Stimulates our intellect

🧘🏽 Awakens our inner wisdom

❤️ Reaches our heart and mind

🙏 Inspires our trust and humility

🌄 Leads us from the darkness of ignorance

Traditionally, the guru was limited to spiritual guides. However, this role can be filled by anyone who sparks these qualities in us. In Hindu tradition, the guru was instrumental in shaping a person’s outlook, attitudes.

A true guru creates transformative impact – dispels darkness and illuminates a forward path in life.

This term is casually interchanged with acharya, or “teacher.” Teachers impart knowledge. A guru guides deep introspection and self-development.

What does this look like in contemporary times? This is what Merriam-Webster says.

guru (noun)

1a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism

2 aa teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern

e.g. has been a guru to many young writers

bone who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent

e.g. became the guru of the movement

ca person with knowledge or expertise EXPERT

e.g. a computer guru

Westerners have co-opted this term to apply to anyone with expertise in anything from management to fashion. Indians have diluted it by calling anyone who teaches anything a guru.

People call themselves gurus all the time. I believe it’s not something you call yourself. It’s something earned, but not sought out.

What have we lost with this dilution? True growth and wisdom.

Today is Guru Purnima – an auspicious day honoring those who lead us from ignorance to understanding.

I’d love to see us better understand the true intention of this term, and use it wisely.