#natyamnaatak – Sometimes, You Just Need to Cast a Spell

There are days when it’s VERY handy to be both a Bharatanatyam teacher and a Potterhead. 🪄

Students dancing in class, and there is a near-collision.

Teacher – “Everyone ok? No one got hurt?”

Student 1 – “Yeah, but that was close!”

Student 2 – “We could have crashed to the ground!”

Teacher – “Aside from learning all our movements, rhythms and showing we are having fun, we also have to be aware of our space – so we don’t run into each other.”

Student 3 – “But how can we pay attention to EVERYTHING at the same time?”

Student 4 – “Isn’t it kind of like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time?”

Teacher – “It is – and you can definitely do it.”

Student 2 – “I don’t know it seems like you are asking a lot.”

Student 5 – “Oh, I have an idea! How about we have protective shields around each of us, so even if we DO crash, we won’t get hurt?”

Teacher – “You mean like Protego Maxima?” as I hold my “wand” (a.k.a the stick I use to tap out rhythms) and point to each of them

Student 1 – “Whoa, how do you know that?”

Student 3 – “You read Harry Potter?”

Student 4 – (whispering to classmates) “Oh, I think she is legit.”

Good news – no more near-misses the rest of class!

P.S. – The young Potterheads approved of this older Potterhead’s charms. 

P.P.S. – At this age, there is a lot of pride and joy when young students call you “legit.”